Do you want the perfect lawn but you’re not sure on which type? Then come and take a look at our turf display. With many varieties on offer you’ll be able to find one that you absolutely love AND you’ll find our prices are very very competitive!
Why buy from us? We’ve got the best quality turf at super pricing!
Donnelly’s Garden Supplies is a licensed supplier of Sir Walter Buffalo Turf, a drought and shade tolerant variety. Sir Walter requires minimal irrigation and fertiliser to maintain colour and can be mown shorter than other Buffalo types. Sir Walter provides a good quality lawn in both sun and shaded areas.
Sir Walter Premium Lawn Turf is a superior quality soft buffalo grass giving unmatched performance for Australian conditions. Here you can find out all there is to know about this ideal, low maintenance lawn called ‘Sir Walter’.
Benefits of Sir Walter:
A warm season turf that thrives in sun and heat. Eureka-Kikuyu turf performs at its best when cut between 25-50mm and mown short each spring to reduce thatch. Ryegrass can be sown into the Kikuyu turf in autumn as a companion species to give winter colour. Kikuyu turf can go dormant for approximately 8 weeks during Victorian winters.
This fine leaf couch is drought resistant and shade tolerant. It has high wear characteristics and requires low maintenance. It’s the classic ‘lawn bowl’ fine bladed grass.
Extremely dark green colour all year round, Tall Fescue is ideal for front lawns and shaded areas. Tall Fescue cuts well with all mower types. Tall Fescue is treated with Acelypryn to ensure grub free turf for 3 months from delivery.
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