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Product Category: Aggregates and Screenings

Please note there are natural variations in colour and sizing of products. No guarantees are offered. Viewing products prior to purchase is recommended for optimum satisfaction.

20mm Screenings

20mm Screenings have a variety of uses such as driveway and pathway toppings, garden mulch and also used as a drainage aggregate.

40mm Granite Aggregate

This is a grey granite aggregate material. The colour is generally grey to blue. It’s a great inorganic mulch for garden areas or decorative paths.

7mm Screenings

This is a 7mm rock product used mainly by plumbers for pipe works. Some use it as a path and driveway fine aggregate. It’s also referred to as ‘quarter minus’.

14mm Screenings

This product is a 14mm screened granite. It is mainly used in the concrete making process but can also be used for paths and driveways.

20mm Drainage Scoria

This product is mainly used for drainage purposes around pipes and behind retaining walls. It is very light weight being around half the weight of a regular hard rock.

7mm Scoria

7mm Scoria is primarily used around drainage pipes by plumbers. It can also be used as a driveway, path or garden topping.


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